Systems Human Immunology

Measure, Predict, Understand, and Engineer

Our immune system is crucial for maintaining health and fighting disease. It acts as a sentinel, detecting threats and maintaining health across our body's tissues and organs. However, individuals respond differently to vaccines, infections, and illnesses, and despite technological advancements in immune monitoring, predicting and modulating immune system behavior and responses at both the population and individual levels remain a challenge.

We are a diverse team driven by curiosity and the desire to innovate and make positive impacts to benefit all. Our lab integrates cutting-edge computational and experimental methods to delve into the complexities of the human immune system and physiology. We use advanced immune profiling, data science, machine learning, and dynamic modeling, alongside experiments, to explore how immune responses are orchestrated and why they vary from person to person.

Our work involves advanced technologies to analyze the immune system's behavior over time and in different areas of the body. We aim to identify key factors that influence immune responses using statistical models and machine learning. By integrating dynamic system modeling with data-driven techniques, we're investigating the underlying principles of immune functionality, including how it interacts with other physiological systems to maintain or disrupt homeostasis.  

Decoding and programming immune cells as sensors and modulators of disease and health. Increasingly, and as a part of the CZ Biohub NY, we're focused on understanding how cellular interactions contribute to the functioning of tissues, organs, and the entire organism. Our goal is to decode the ways immune cells move and act both within and across tissues, enhancing our ability to use these cells as diagnostic and therapeutic tools for better health management and early disease detection.

Our lab is a part of the Yale Center for Systems and Engineering Immunology (CSEI) and the Department of Immunobiology at the Yale School of Medicine, and is located at 100 College St on the Yale Campus.   

Contact us at info [at]

Recent News

Please also check out the news and events pages of the CSEI. 

October 22, 2024 Yale School of Medicine Dean's Workshop focusing on CSEI: Integrating Systems Immunology, Engineering, and AI to Monitor, Predict, and Improve Human Health

John presented the CSEI vision. Yale colleagues including Leying, Hui, María, Steve, and invited Keynote Speakers Deep (Apple) and Wendell (UCSF) presented work that highlight scientific pillars of the CSEI. 

John's slides available here

July 03, 2024 Our paper on a unified metric of human immune health is published in Nature Medicine. Also check out the excellent commentary by Vinuesa, He, and Cook

May 28-29, 2024 John gave the Keynote at AI and Immunology - Exploring Opportunities and Challenges, a meeting organized by NIAID/NIH. 

John's slides available here

Meeting report was published Oct, 2024 in Nature Immunology.

May, 2024 John contributed to an Immunity Voices piece on AI and Immunology.

May 14, 2024 Matt's paper made the cover of Immunity. Thanks to the beautiful artwork by Sarah Hopkins!

Also check out this nice commentary by Hansen and Guthmiller

> Yona Lei's abstract was selected for a talk at the 4th Yale Single Cell Symposium, 2024.

> Leon Bichmann's abstract was selected for a talk at the 4th Yale Single Cell Symposium, 2024.

> Christine Dien's abstract was selected for a talk at the Annual Yale Immunobiology Retreat, 2024.

> John gave the opening talk at the 20th Palio Meeting on AI and Vaccinology @ GSK Sienna, Italy, 2024. Thanks Rino Rappuoli and colleagues for hosting and organizing the meeting. 

> John visited Lund University, Sweden and gave a talk at their Inaugural Lund Immunotalks Symposium, May 2024. Thanks to Joan Yuan and Camila Consiglio for hosting. 

> John gave a theory lunch @ Harvard, May 2024. Thanks to Jeremy Gunawardena, Jen and Alon Oyler-Yaniv for hosting.

> John helped organize the Keystone Meeting on Systems and Engineering Immunology and gave a talk on human immune setpoint and immune health @ beautiful Banff, Canada, March, 2024. 

> Shubham Tripathi's abstract was selected for a talk at the Keystone Meeting on Systems and Engineering Immunology, 2024.

> John was appointed as Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator, April, 2024.

> John braved a snow storm and gave a talk and met with trainees and colleagues at McGill University's Emerging Topoics in Health: Systems Immunology Seminar Series @ Montreal, Canada, April, 2024. Thanks to Judith Mandl for hosting.

> Can Liu chaired a session "Physics of the Immune System II: Signaling in Space and Time" at the Annual Physical Society Meeting (APS), March, 2024. 

> Shubham Tripathi gave a talk on IL-15-driven feedback at the APS Meeting, March, 2024.

> John gave a talk on systems immunology and met with trainees and colleagues at the Ragon Institute and MIT, 2024. Thanks to Alex Shalek for hosting. 

> John gave a talk on human immunology and met with trainees at the University of Chicago Immunology Seminar Series, Dec, 2023. Thanks to Nicolas Chevrier for hosting. 

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